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Best Fruit porridge for babies


Fruit porridge is especially important in a baby's diet. It is important to vary them because the baby gets used to different flavors and textures. Starting at 6 months, it will begin with a fruit porridge for its vitamin content, never replacing a milk intake, but complementing it.

Various fruits should be used (apple, pear, banana...), to educate taste, and although a long time ago the introduction of red fruits and others such as peaches at 6 months was discouraged because they are more allergenic, currently the Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommends introducing any fruit indiscriminately according to family preferences, precisely to prevent allergies, although always in small quantities and leaving a few days between the introduction of each one to observe possible allergic reactions

They are usually introduced after the acceptance of cereals has been achieved, although it can be done the other way around, first the fruit and then the cereals. They should not be sweetened with sugar and cookies will not be added until after 7 months, since these contain gluten

If you have questions, our children's nutritionist explains the introduction of fruits to babies in detail in this article:

Once you have introduced the fruits one by one, you can make different combinations of them, so we leave you some ideas for porridge with fruit your baby will surely like.

This is a recipe for your baby, that he or she will love for its sweet flavor and texture. Although the recipe adds starter milk, it can be substituted with breast milk.

Fruit puree with apple, peach, and banana

Fruit puree with apple


¼ apple without skin

¼ peach without skin

¼ banana

3 measures of starter milk

2 measures of gluten-free cereals

half a glass of water


Clean the apple and peach well, remove the skin, and cut them into pieces.

Put them in a saucepan with water over low heat until the fruit softens, approximately 10-15 minutes.

We add the chopped banana to the rest of the fruits

We pass it through the blender until it has the desired consistency.

Homemade fruit pot with pear, apple, and orange

fruit pot with pear


1 money

1 apple

1 orange



We wash and peel the pear and apple well and cut them into small pieces.

We put the apple and pear in a saucepan with a little water over medium heat, until they soften.

Peel the orange and add the juice of half an orange.

We can pass it through a blender or food mill to give it the desired consistency.

Porridge vs Oatmeal

The biggest difference between oatmeal and porridge is that oatmeal is made using crushed, rolled, or flattened oats, whereas porridge is made with many kinds of whole grains, cereals, or legumes.

Homemade fruit porridge with roasted pear and banana

fruit porridge with roasted pear and banana

This porridge is so delicious that you will have a hard time keeping the rest of the family away. Both pear and banana are a good source of fiber, so they are perfect when the baby is a little constipated.

Ingredients (for 6 servings)

2 bananas, cut into 2.5cm pieces

2 pears, peeled and cut into pieces


Preheat the oven to 200ºC

Place the bananas and pears on a parchment paper or silicone baking sheet.

Roast for 25 minutes.

Crush them and mix them until they are smooth.

Let cool and serve.

Fruit porridge for babies with mango, apple, and carrot

Fruit porridge for babies with mango

This puree tastes heavenly. Mango and carrots are full of vitamin C and beta-carotene that the baby's body converts into vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy skin and good vision.


1/2 cup carrots, chopped

1 cup mango, chopped

1 cup apples, peeled and chopped


Put the carrots in a steamer over boiling water for 3 minutes.

Add the mango and apple for 2 minutes or until everything is tender.

Put in a food processor until smooth.

Let cool and serve.

Fruit puree with persimmon

Fruit puree with persimmon

Persimmon puree is very thick and smooth, has a beautiful bright orange color, and is sweet and perfect for baby's first foods. There are 2 varieties of persimmons: Fuyus and Hachiyas. The tastes are similar, although there are some important differences to highlight. Fuyus are round and can be eaten even if they are firm, they have a texture like that of an apple. Hachiyas are heart-shaped and need to be very ripe before you can eat them.

Persimmons are a great source of vitamins A, and C, beta-carotene, and soluble fiber – which is very important for the baby. Give this porridge if you find the baby constipated.


2 Persimmons


Peel the skin of the persimmons and cut them into cubes.

Place the persimmon in a food processor and puree until smooth.

